
Never be ashamed of all your old works

Two days ago, I have posted some of my older doodle/drawing works, which are not 100 % original. I mean, I looked at some magazine picture and draw it quickly. I forgot about the magazine, I forgot about the original, I forgot that I drew these at all. But, I felt they are not my original ideas when I dug them out from the old folder. Yet, I posted them because they are different in a way of colouring, hatching style and they are not photographs. If we search for the authenticity - they are not authentic in terms of the idea. But I personally like them because I feel my personal touch in them.
So, each such a picture in my gallery is marked with black tattoo stars, I am sorry I don't know
who are their authors.
This one is absolutely MINE.

I made it last night on 200 mg acid free paper, with promarkers and ink pen.
It seems I am in the "LEG PHASE".

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