

Whenever I have cap-making-creative-block I start doing entrelac.  Then I have to be fully concentrated. No matter how many times I have used this wonderful technique, I always have to take deep breath and focus on how I am going to start. This particular shawl will grow into very worm and cosy winter accessory. I often turn to entrelac. I did it as crochet and Tunisian crochet projects. Can't tell which I prefere.

But, knowing which side the stripes should go doesn't satisfy me. This technique is a kind of modular knitting, and I know very few things about it. I mean, I can do some short and small things, but I have never made any bigger project such as sweater, dress or skirt. So, while the cap making block is lasting, I decided to move on further - yes, modular knitting.
And you have perhaps heard about Kathryn Alexandra who makes mast6erpieces of enterlac/modular knits in brave vibrant colours. I found recently a preview on Youtube regarding her way of thinking about entrelac (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNi4jQiiz1w)
I also collected some of the images that gives me great inspiration and I would like to share with you

Nice, isn't it? I can stare at these colour combinations for hours. 

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